Unified a conglomerate manufacturer of over 55,000 products with one consistent, thought leading story around health and safety, told through the context of solving global socio-economic challenges


3M is an industry giant, manufacturing over 55,000 products across multiple divisions. No consistent story had been told uniting the company, let alone through the context of global socio-economic issues, that influential business and government leaders were looking to understand.


We made 3M a global thought and action leader by showing how a commitment to safety acts as a springboard for progress. In emerging markets, safety is often a sacrifice to growth. We proved that we could build smarter and more sustainable cities by enabling autonomous vehicles and improving conditions for workers and first responders, addressing these issues as interconnected, holistic, and proactive stimulants of growth.

We created an integrated campaign through the founding partnership of Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum, a global initiative and media platform that harnesses influence and expertise to solve key societal challenges. The program lived across global event and media coverage in digital, social, TV, podcasts, print, on-site, and speaking opportunities.


Extraordinary impact, especially for an established brand:

  • Brand Familiarity – 24% increase 

  • Brand Buzz – 25% increase

  • Brand Advocacy – 27% increase

  • Surpassed reach goals by 57%

  • 91% took action



